Aims of the Trust

Our Goal

To support the provision of Paediatric Palliative Care services and facilities for children with a life limiting condition and their families. Over 400 children in our region, under the age of 18, have a life limiting illness and require access to paediatric palliative care services (PPCS). 40-50 of these children will die this year.

Through advocacy and the construction of paediatric palliative care facilities by the Nicholas Trust, an Australian first, model of care, has been established at the John Hunter Children’s Hospital. The Nicholas Trust is committed to work with the PPCS and the community to support terminally ill children and their families in the Northern Child Health Network.

  • Paediatric palliative care facilities has been established at the John Hunter Children’s Hospital and Tamworth, Taree and Maitland Hospitals.

  • Committed to support terminally ill children and their families.

  • A voice to raise awareness both publicly and politically.

  • Addressing the medical needs of the child as well as providing for the emotional and spiritual requirements of the family.

Northern Child Health Network Maps

You matter because you are you, and you matter to the last moment of your life.
Dame Cicely Saunders


The Trust was established in July 2005, it has received tremendous community, political and medical support.


In August 2010 two uniquely designed and purpose built palliative care facilities were opened at the JHCH along with a parent retreat and refurbishment of the school rooms.


Nicholas Butters ~ Born 6th July 1990 ~ Taken to Heaven 8th December 2004


The generous support of corporate sponsors and partners has assisted the Trust in achieving its goals.

Changing Lives Today!

It is so often, through adversity, that we are challenged to make a difference. We could not save Nicholas, but we could ensure support for families who find themselves in a similar situation.