Building Beautiful Memories Project

John Hunter Childrens Hospital and the Nicholas Trust partnership brings comfort and privacy to grieving parents.

A new Paediatric Palliative Care Room at JHCH Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

We are extremely appreciative of the generous donations from Nicholas Trust and the Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation, which have allowed for a new palliative care room to be developed in NICU at John Hunter Children’s Hospital.

The new $260,000 room provides a comforting and home- like environment for parents with an infant who is terminally unwell. A family can stay in the room to say goodbye. To build beautiful lasting memories in a brief time, cocooned in love and support.

The space has been carefully and thoughtfully designed in consultation with key stakeholders, including members of the Aboriginal community to ensure every detail, down to the colours, furnishings and fittings are not only fit for purpose but culturally respectful and welcoming. It provides a comforting and home-like environment for parents and families and allows them to maximise their time with their child and build lasting memories.

Dr Paul Craven, Executive Director for Children, Young People and Families says the palliative care room provides a much-needed refuge from the clinical areas of the hospital.

“Working in partnership with the Nicholas Trust and Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation has allowed us to enhance the support we can provide to grieving families in the NICU,” he said.

To all those who are grieving and to all those who have lost a child, our thoughts are with you, always.

View video and more – New palliative care from in NICU at JHCH

Changing Lives Today!

It is so often, through adversity, that we are challenged to make a difference. We could not save Nicholas, but we could ensure support for families who find themselves in a similar situation.